It doesn't matter if it's a board game, card game, video game, yard game (like cornhole or horseshoes), or a table game (like billiards, Foosball, or air hockey), you'll create a lot of memories with your children if you join in playing with them.
We do a game night every Friday, rotating each week who picks the game.
Want advice on how to get a GAME NIGHT started?
Below is a list of tried, tested, and LOVED games
by kids everywhere!

Card Games
Go Fish, Old Maid, Crazy 8's, Uno, Uno Attack, Poopy Head, Rummy

Board Games
There are a lot of classics is this group!
Monopoly, Trouble, Sorry, Life, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, Clue, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Chess, Checkers

Boardless Games
A lot of newer games have very interesting concepts. Feed a pig too much, it pops. Or watch out for a dog pooping! Tons of fun...and laughs either way.
Pop the Pig, Pie in the Face, Doggie Doo, Jenga, Connect Four

Table Games
Billiards, Air Hockey, Foosball!
These can get ultra competitive.
Endless selection in this group... be sure to click "Video Games" above to see more about different video games. These are the ones my sons have loved the most:
Disney Infinity, Minecraft, Lego Dimensions, ANY other Lego game, and any movement game like sports games and dancing games.
Lately, Fortnite has been giving Minecraft a run for its money in our house!

Yard Games
Want to get outdoors and have fun? Try these games:
Sack Races, Cornhole, Horseshoes, Ladderball, 3-Legged Races, Egg/Spoon Races, croquet
Do-it-Yourself games are a fun way to add creativity to game play. Click "DIY Games" above for some fun ideas.