If you need letters covered by superheroes, you can watch the video I made for my boys, called "Super Letters",
It gets kids interested in learning the alphabet through the hook of superheroes. The plot? They have to learn the alphabet to help Spidey disarm a bomb!
These videos have been the most helpful for my boys. LeapFrog Letter Factory was what really helped teach them letters and their sounds, and I've heard plenty of other parents say similar things. These videos are cute, fun, AND educational. Plus, they have the same characters in each, so kids get invested in following the characters' letter and number oriented adventures.
This company makes fun, educational videos AND peaceful music for babies to kids to really any age to listen to (it is classical music after all).
I know this series has seen a lot of trouble in the news about not working the way they said...but did anyone really think their 1 year old baby was really going to start reading Shakespeare? If you did, then you're goofy. If you didn't, but thought you could find an educational video that would keep your babies' interest and they'd learn SOME things along the way? Then, sure this works. It honestly never held my boys' attention as much as LeapFrog or Baby Einstein but variety is a good thing when teaching your kids. While LeapFrog is animated and Baby Einstein has both animations and real people, Your Baby Can Read is real people and, to me, was reminiscent of old Sesame Street, without the Muppets. But, again, as an option in variety, it was useful.