Holiday Treats
Ok, of course Christmas is known for sweets and cookies and gingerbread houses, which of course I love to make with my kids, but Halloween is also an awesome time to make really creative and creepy treats which is always a blast. Then, for Easter, you can make a bunny cake. Really, there are fun things you can make and eat in theme with each holiday. The possibilities are endless.
Birthday Cakes
Birthday cakes should always be special. Ones you buy can be very special, but ones you make, I'd like to think that kids will remember fondly forever. At least that's what I hope! As with the arts and crafts projects, this takes some skill for them to turn out perfectly beautiful...but as you see from the ones below, mine are not and people (and more importantly my children) were impressed and loved them. I have not, nor do I think I will, get into fondant as I believe that is OVER my skill level. The Avengers cake below is not fondant. Instead, it's a frosted sheet cake that I made and laid dress-up accessories on top that later doubled as extra presents! :)
These activities are an offshoot of the arts and crafts activities, except you can eat them!
An example? Fruit-kabob. This one is easy and healthy, and my boys love it and ask for it often. I credit it as one of the reasons one of my kids often chooses fruit over candy. Some of these recipes you piece together, some you bake, some are even educational.

Kids really enjoy getting involved in the kitchen, plus this will help teach them to cook as they get older.