As part of scouting, the boys and I have been learning campfire cooking. This includes dutch oven cooking as well as the age old classics of hot dogs and marshmallows on sticks at the campfire.
You can go beyond these methods, though, and it really is very simple. Use foil packs!

Essentially, you put your meat and veggies in a foil wrapper with butter and seasoning and roll up the foil tightly to keep everything in. You then cook it on the campfire or on a grill 15 minutes per side.
We chose chicken breast + redskin potatoes + carrots. We added butter, salt, and pepper. Beware, though, if each person has slightly differentiated their foil pack's ingredients, you'll want to mark their initials on their pack so you know which is which once you're done cooking.
Aside from just great eating, this also helps to satisfy a requirement for the Castaway Adventure for Webelos!
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