Gang beasts is an insanely fun fighting game, but it isn’t your average fighting game. In the game, you are practically a ragdoll. There are seven maps of awesomeness where you try to eliminate other players by throwing them out of the map. Since you’re a ragdoll, you flail around like an insane person any time you try to do anything, which makes the game hilarious to play and watch.
What else makes Gang Beasts different than other fighting games? The maps aren’t 2D like any Mortal Kombat style game, the maps are 3D. When you fight, you don’t just fight like a normal video game. NO. You punch, head butt, throw people, and, if you're in real trouble, you try to climb to escape. However, like I said, it's NOT a normal fighting game. Here's the catch, you're nearly a ragdoll. It's a fifty-fifty chance that your attack actually helps you. The other fifty is that it either gives your opponents the upper hand or ends up getting you eliminated.
As I said there are seven maps, all of which work against the player and the opponents. The maps have things that would be in a city including aquariums, ferris wheels, elevators, subways, tops of trains, trucks, and billboards. You have to win 3 maps in a round to win. To win, you have to throw your opponents off the map, but that's pretty darn hard if they fight back.
Gang Beasts, in my opinion, is ridiculously fun and hilarious. If you’re in the mood for serious fighting, go with Mortal Kombat, but if you’re looking for a laugh while fighting, go with Gang Beasts. It's an awesome game, and now one of my favorites out of all games I have.
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