Fortnite is a battle royale game where you fight ninety-nine other people. It's survival of the fittest, winner takes all as you all fight to death. You can either go against everyone solo, or you can team up with one to three other teammates.
In the game, you start off by parachuting down to different areas and islands. Once you land, you pick up weapons wherever you can find them and start fighting for your life against the rest of the players. The goal is to stay alive. To do that, you have to kill or be killed while running around the island trying to find new weapons.
However, there are other benefits to winning. If you win, or stay alive long enough, you can earn free gliders, skins, dances, and so on. In the game's menu, or "lobby", you can also purchase these types of items.
Fortnite recently added creative and playground modes. With creative mode, you can build your own battle royale maps complete with buildings and fortifications. You can share out your islands of creations with others by giving out your Island Code. Popular gamer-created islands can be found online through sites like YouTube where people post their codes for everyone.
In playground mode, you have an infinite amount of lives. You can also have teams and change them out with different players.
Both of these modes have a three-hour limit per day.
Fortnite also hosts special events that are "can't miss"! From new game content events to concerts by DJ Marshmallow, anything can happen in this game.
If you've ever seen the Hunger Games movies, Fortnite basically follows that same concept. You're dropped in to a battlefield and have to stay alive. With Fortnite, though, you get to do more than just watch the action. You get to join in!
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