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Deadpool 2: Good Movie, but Diverges from the Comics

Deadpool and Colossus

If you liked the first Deadpool movie, you’d likely enjoy the sequel as well. The characters you loved in the first movie all return. Plus, this time you get the addition of Cable and Domino. Josh Brolin, as Cable, seems ripped straight from the comic books and put onto the screen. Except for his height. Naturally, they incorporate Brolin being shorter than what you’d expect from Cable into a joke. Zazie Beetz does a good job as Domino as well. The storyline is solid. The jokes, including 4th wall jokes, are hilarious with many gags returning from the first movie.

So, what problem could there be with the movie? None, really. It’s good. Great popcorn fare. If I were to want to compare it to the storylines of the comics, though? To some it may seem like splitting hairs, but the story in the movie is off. It’s significantly off enough to affect Cable’s reason for being here in our time. Without entering into spoiler territory, Cable comes back in time in the movie to save his family in the future. While that is a very good and valiant reason for Cable’s entry into our era, his reason for coming to our timeline in the comics is much more significant. He comes back in time to save the entire planet from the villain known as Apocalypse.

In Cable’s future, the evil mutant Apocalypse takes over the planet and turns it into a dystopic…I have to do the pun…post-APOCALYPTIC future. Growing up in that future as a warrior intent on stopping Apocalypse’s despotic rule, Cable returns to the time before Apocalypse takes over to defeat him before he becomes too powerful.

So, I hate to say it, but coming back in time to save the world trumps coming back in time to save two people, even if they are your family. Also, Apocalypse is a “Big Bad” and worthy of Cable’s attention. Firefist, the villain in Deadpool 2 is not. For much of the movie, he’s just a goofy kid. In the comics, he’s not even a villain, he’s a hero named Rusty Collins.

There has already been a movie devoted to the story of Apocalypse of course, that being the sixth X-men movie, X-Men: Apocalypse. Since the success of that movie can be questioned, the powers that be may not have wanted to devote another movie to Apocalypse, even though that movie only spoke of him in the current timeline and not of the destruction he wreaks in the future. Still, it just seems less. Less of a reason to come back. Less of an impact on the cast of “X” characters. Cable does manage to come across as bigger than life and awesome, but his impact is supposed to be bigger.

The changes don’t stop there. X-Force is a team Cable put together relatively soon after coming to our time with an eventual goal of taking on Apocalypse. One of the first people they squared off against? Deadpool. So, in the movie, Deadpool puts X-Force together to go against … Cable. What proceeds is funny, but turns X-Force into a bit of a joke. It makes me question the integrity of there being a pending X-Force movie, which is the rumor. If the team is a punchline in this movie, would they be taken seriously enough to be a movie of their own at this point?

One last issue, with all the 4th wall jokes that refer to the X-Men comics, why no mention that Cable is Cyclops’ son? The answer is because Cyclops is shamefully mistreated in the movies. Disregarding some of the story shifts from the comics, Deadpool 2 is still a very enjoyable movie.

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