If you look in the "1000 Places to See Before You Die" book, Delaware is really only listed for the DuPont museum of antiques...wasn't really pulling me in at the time my wife and I were heading into the New England area. First, we'd already planned on "antiquing" in Connecticut. Second, I'm not actually big on "antiquing" or antiques in general...so why suffer twice. Granted, I love museums and history, so many museums are filled with antiques, but to me that's different. I'm not just looking at antiques. So we chose Delaware's actual history over someone's rich antique collection from around the world. We went to Dover, the capital, in hopes of seeing some this history.
Well, as the capital of the first state, Dover is full of history. Revolutionary War. Civil War. Forefathers planning the Constitution! Unfortunately, all that is seen in markers only. One patch of grass was the site of Revolutionary War soldiers meeting and being debriefed. Another patch of grass was the site of a Civil War skirmish. Then, the big finale! The tavern where the forefathers would meet and drink and discuss the Constitution...is no longer there. But, there's a plaque on the side of the building that would've been adjacent to the tavern saying "here once stood that tavern"...
And...now the joke from Wayne's World where they are green screening on their show, acting like they're in various parts of the country and have fun, colorful things to say about each location but have no idea what to say about Delaware makes total sense. They only say, "Hi, I'm in Delaware."