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Star Wars Day Craft and Activity Ideas

You love the movies. Your kids love the movies. So, why not turn May 4th into a really great day to remember by making fun crafts together and creating wonderful family memories along the way?  Remember, the crafts are for fun and don’t have to be perfect. As long as your kids are having a good time, that's all that matters. It's about spending the quality time with your little Star Wars fans, and creating the memories that will last forever. Just jump in and do the crafts, you’ll see they turn out great. In other words, do or do not, there is no try.

Foot Chewie

Paint your children’s foot and press it onto a piece of paper. The color you use will depend on the character you’re making.Black for Darth, light brown for Chewie, and so on. Once the foot print dries, add in decoration to turn the foot into a Star Wars character. It makes for a cute keepsake. And, if the spouse isn’t into Star Wars as much as you?  They’ll still love this because it’s Jedi level awesome.   

Foot Darth

Here's the Darth foot print version.  Both Chewie and Darth ideas were gotten from here

Color Resist Death Star

When we first made this craft, which we found here, it intimidated me a little because I wasn’t sure how it worked and so wasn’t sure how well it’d turn out. But, as it turns out, it’s super easy. You start with a paper cupcake baking cup or a coffee filter (depending on the size you want your Death Star to be). Next, with a white or grey crayon, draw a design for your Death Star, such as the crisscross lines on our below. You can add as many details as you want (though until you add the black paint…your details are kind of hard to see even for you to keep up with what you’ve done). One detail you want to be sure to add is the encircled Death Star laser cannon. Once you’re ready, use a paint brush to apply black water color to your project.The paint won’t cover up your crayon design, it’ll only fill in the empty space between and around your crayon coloring.

Origami Yoda

Follow the folding pattern found here to make your Yoda head and body. The pattern is originally from Tom Angleberger’s Origami Yoda book. He has a lot of other Star Wars origami to choose from as well!

In addition to the folding above, we chose to add clothes to our Yoda. No one wants a naked 900 year old running around after all. Then, we threw on a lightsaber and hands to hold said lightsaber. Yoda’s lightsaber is green and glows. So, to attempt that effect in paper form, we used green construction paper and covered it with a yellow highlighter.(That’s also how we did his eyes).

Chewbacca Puppet

Another pretty simple Star Wars craft.Use a brown paper bag as the base of Chewie. Get a dark brown crayon or colored pencil to put hair marks all over the bag. Then add eyes, nose, and teeth. After that, all that’s left is to add Chewie’s ammo sash. You can draw it on or create it with construction paper.


You end up with a fun puppet that your kids can play with. And, don’t worry about him getting lonely…there’s a Yoda puppet coming later in this list!

Yoda and Ewok TP Roll Buddies

TP roll buddies are crafts that the kids always love. Children can add decoration in any creative way they can imagine. In these two examples, we turned our rolls into Yoda and an Ewok. For Yoda, we simply painted his coloring in, green for his head, tan for his coat and brown for his shirt. One of my sons chose to draw in his face, but googly eyes could also be used as seen in my other son’s Ewok. Last, we stapled the top of the roll together as an attempt to give corners on either side of Yoda’s face that would kind of look like his pointy ears.


For the Ewok, we glued grey cloth around the TP roll to make him furry. Then glued a black cloth over the top to be his head covering.We cut a circle out of his head piece for his face to show through, added googly eyes and a smile. My son wanted to provide him a weapon, so we had an old paint-encrusted paintbrush that had served its time. We glued that to the Ewok’s side.

Paper Plate BB8

You’ll need two plates for this one. On the full plate, draw BB8’s orange circles with their inner shapes, and color them in. Add some other techno decorations to match the fun little droid. Then cut the second plate into a smaller 2/3 section. Draw the eyes and orange and grey lines, again matching BB8. Finally, glue the head onto the body.

Construction Paper Darth Puzzle

This is Darth Vader via geometric shapes! Cut out a half circle, a square, 2 right-angle triangles, 1 equilateral triangle, some circles and 2 rectangles…and you have the makings of Darth’s face.Your kids can draw and cut the shapes if they’re able, but if so, present it to them in a way that they don’t see how the finished product fits together. The best part is using the shapes as a Darth puzzle.Plus, they can learn the shapes as they go.

Idea gotten from here.

Lightsaber Craft

Other than the need you’ll find to do second and third painting coats, this craft is very easy to do. Grab two pencils and paint one for the light side (blue) and the other for the dark side (red). Add some white, grey, black decoration to the bottom as the “Lightsaber handles,” and your craft is done. Saber fights will ensue…just make sure no one pokes an eye out or slices an arm off.

Yoda Puppet

This craft is very easy to make, so even the little ones can join in. Plus, since it’s a puppet, they can play with it afterwards instead of only being able to see it stuck to the refrigerator. All you have to do is (and this is the hardest part) find a green plate.Draw a Yoda face onto the plate. This can be as detailed or non-detailed as you’d like.If the tykes are doing the drawing, the old circles for eyes is plenty good enough.After all, the face is green right?That’s 90% right there.Get some green construction paper, draw, and cut out the ears.Let the older kids do the drawing and cutting, but do the cutting for the littles of course. Then glue a Popsicle stick to the bottom.Done!You have a Yoda puppet.

Tie Fighter Craft

Begin by painting a Styrofoam ball black.Insert a toothpick (also painted black) into each side of the ball. Then cut appropriately sized squares out of black construction paper to serve as the wings for your evil aircraft…craft. Carefully put the other end the two toothpicks through the wings. It’s kind of hard to stand this craft up on a surface, but you could make a few and tie them to the ceiling of your kid’s bedroom. Then they’d be ready for intergalactic space battles!Hmmm…do they make Styrofoam balls in the shape of X-wings?

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