Paper & Cardboard Crafts

Corner bookmarks are cute and very useful. With them "biting" the page you last read, the bookmarks make it very easy to get back to your last page.

Japanese Fans
1. Draw your fan's background picture
2. Fold your paper from about an inch in (from top to bottom) and crease it.
3. Accordion fold the paper over and over till you get to the other side.
4. Hold your folds together at the bottom and fan out the top of the fan, allowing the picture to be seen.
5. Use clear tape to wrap the bottom inch or so of the fan, making that your handle.

Valentine's Boxes
Likely, your kids will come home near Valentine's telling you that they need a box to take to school so they can put all of their Valentine's in it. It has to be big enough for cards and candy. Shoeboxes are suggested...but you are encouraged to be "creative". People turn these things into giant hearts, mailboxes, and characters!

Art Volumes
Take all of your kid's artwork (or as much as will fit) and "bind" it into a book. Get as fancy as you want, or just staple into some cardboard. Either way works, and then your child can decorate the cover. My boys love this and have multiple "volumes". They're very proud of them and excited to make more!

Pipe Cleaner Spiders
Add pipe cleaners as legs to a section of an egg carton (cut out to be the spider's body), and you have craft spiders.

Using Toilet Paper Rolls once again, we painted them, added construction paper to the castle towers and created a castle! I used yarn to raise/lower the drawbridge.

Butterfly Craft
Toilet Paper Rolls for the body + construction paper for the wings + pipe cleaners for the antennae. Bam, you have a butterfly! Decorate the cardboard roll and add some googly eyes.

Use leftover boxes to create a Robot!

Origami can be a lot of fun. Not sure about you, but I need to follow a diagram to make something worthwhile! On the brightside, there are a lot of websites and books devoted to origami suggestions. Example? The Origami Yoda books of Star Wars.

Cardboard Minions
Toilet paper roll + construction paper can be turned into ANYthing. Decorate them and turn them into cool characters, such as the Minions!

Russian Nesting Dolls
Matryoshka Dolls are also known as Russian nesting dolls, the ones where there is a succession of smaller wooden "dolls" inside the bigger dolls. "Matryoshka" means "little matron", so the nesting dolls usually start with a Russian lady painted on the outside doll. The smaller ones inside the first doll can be either gender with the smallest doll typically being a baby.
The dolls were first made as children's toys in 1890 by wood carver Vasily Zvyozdochkin and painter Sergey Malyutin,
A craft version of the dolls is simple enough to make.
Start with cups.
Cut a dress and bonnet out of separate colorful paper. We used wrapping paper.
Then, using construction paper, cut out a round head and draw in a face.
Use a glue stick to affix the dress to the cup.
Add the bonnet on top of the dress.
Finally, add the face over top of the bonnet.
While they don't get smaller, the cup Matryoshka dolls stack very well!